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Xtrend ET5000 World Vision Xtrend ET5000 World Vision

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Старый 09.12.2011, 01:52   #1 (permalink)
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По умолчанию Имиджи для спутникового ресивера Xtrend World Vision ET5000

New VIX Image ET5x00 - v2.3
07/12/2011 - Open ViX 2.3

From VIX Team

Enigma: 07-12-2011.
Enigma Plugins: 07-12-2011.
GCC Version: 4.4.4.
Kernel Version: 3.1.0.
Drivers: 2011-11-05.

This image requires the latest bootloader (attached to this post) to be flashed. This is because Xtrend have changed the way the drivers work. So, before updating your image, you will need to first flash the bootloader, then flash the new image. Flashing of new bootloader only takes a few seconds, so once flashing's completed, then just turn off the box, transfer the new image to the usb stick, and flash with that. Also, it is recommended to NOT use older images with this new boot loader, as this may result in a bricked box.
Because of a lot of changes behind the scenes of the image and building, you will not be able to perform an online update. A full flash is required for this version of ViX image.

This revision of the image has undergone many different builds, hours and hours of coding/fixing, and we hope that you are now happy to reflash with the latest ViX image!

Team ViX Enchancements

New Features

Updated to kernel 3.1.0 - This new kernel is much faster and better than the previous kernel, and finally you all get to test it if you held off updating to other images. If you did update, you can finally come back to the ViX image
Added items to the Information Screen - Added Devices and System Information to Menu -> Information. In Devices, you get all the information about connected devices on your box (HDD, USB and Network Shares), and System Information will show you your memory on your box (Swap, Free memory etc). See screenshots below for more information.
Added OSD Settings - This replaces the overscan option within the ViX image. Go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> OSD -> OSD Setup, and ensure the screen fills your TV set exactly to ensure that all menu options are shown correctly for your TV.
Added support for HDMI-CEC - This image now allows you to control your box using your tv remote. Remember, this is still experimental at the moment, and can work differently between different brands of TV makes/models.
Added uShare - Allow the box to be detected by your DLNA devices that support this protocol. This can be configured under Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network -> uShare Setup.
Added MiniDLNA - Same as uShare, but some people were having problems with uShare, so we have added a different version for people to use.
Added AFP - The Apple Fileshare Protocol makes it easy for your OSX devices to find your box and use the box natively within the OS. This can be configured from Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network -> AFP Setup.
Added EPG Automatic Refresh - This is useful for members who keep a single EPG datasource on a network share with multiple boxes. In Menu -> Setup -> System -> EPG -> Settings, you have the option to choose a network location (as long as configured within the Mount Manager). If you use this, you might want to update the EPG data from this location automatically. So now you can using the Automatic Refresh option.
Added Automounts option - This allows the box to automatically recreate network mounts. If you've had times where the NFS of CIFS server has been restarted, or lost power etc, then you'll know that your box cannot access this network share. Well, as long as you have configured the share through the Mount Manager, then you can configure the Automount to automatically remount the share as often as you like by going to Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network -> Devices -> MountManager.
Default Skin Change - The Default skin has been changed from ViX HD to ViX Night HD. This is a new ViX skin that has been developed for those who want a darker skin for their image. See the screenshots below for comparisons between the two. If you prefer the old ViX skin, it can still be downloaded from the download server, and is now called ViX Day HD. Please report any skin issues you may find with the ViX Night HD skin. We think we have them all covered, but can't be too sure...
Many plugins translated/made translatable - Allows the plugins to display correctly the information in your own language (as defined on original setup).
Deleted a number of plugins - Due to the "war on licences", a number of plugins whose license has changed, has been reverted to the non-licensed version of the plugin, or had to be removed from the image indefinitely.
Added seekbar functionality to the image - Allow you to seek within a recording playback to where you would like to be within the playback. To utilise this, please hold down the << or **** buttons on your remote, and the seekbar will appear at the top. Use the arrow keys on the remote to choose where you would like to seek to in the playback, and press OK to start playback from this point.
Added Image Download to Image Manager - This allows you to download the latest full image from the server, and flash it to your box (Vu Only). To access this, go to the Image Manager from with ViX menu, and press the help button. This will list all available images to download.
Added playback support for FLV files - Now you can add FLV files to your recordings drive and play them natively within the system.
Lots more under the hood updates/enhancements - A few menu options and screens have become more integrated to their respective menus. For example, the Recording Paths menu is no longer required, as Timeshift Path is defined in Timeshift Setup, and Recording Path in Recording Setup.


Tweaked SoftCam manager.
Corrected a number of plugins.
Updated network components, including better support for WiFi.
Updated translatability; updated German & Dutch translations.
Hidden several ViX-core functions from the plugin-browser.
Better handling of SWAP partitions by the Mount Manager.
Tweaked TimeShift Code.
Remove SD/HD split from ChannelSelection as it was buggy.
Magic skin updates
MenuSort fix.

Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red*** - Show current event.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long Up/Down** - Open Simple TV List.
TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.

** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

Known Bugs
Special Thanks

rytec - for his continued support.
zoka.cc for his Picon sets
Coolman and all other developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image and DTT working

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Добавлено через 41 минуту
SIF Images
Имидж SIF Team Image ET5000 - от 28.05.2011
Устанавливается через USB флешку. Довольно неплохой имидж с поддержкой Wi-Fi адаптеров на чипах - RT73 и RT3070
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Имидж OpenPLI от 30-06-2011
Устанавливается через USB флешку
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Имидж ViX v2.2
Устанавливается через USB флешку
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Последний раз редактировалось Paska; 09.12.2011 в 01:55. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
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Старый 07.03.2012, 13:40   #2 (permalink)
xosajin Меню пользователя xosajin показать/скрыть дополнительную инфу?
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По умолчанию ET 5x00

SIF TeAm Enigma2 Koala Et5x00 4-3-2012

1)Moved to enigma2 openpli project (thank you openpli team)

2)Sifteam cloud system (You can connect your sifteam forum
account on your stb, in the future release you can backup your
image,share channels settings etc etc in your personal account storage)

3)New Graphic skin. Thank you so much to daconi.

4)Redisegned SifTeam Panel Menu

5)Redesigned Software Manager.Added possibility to rank your favourite
plugin, you can consult top rated,most downloaded plugin etc etc

6)Added Bouquets and Channels Menu. Now you can download your favourite channel list settings.

7)Exclusive possibility to use Original Sky Ita channel list numeration starting from number 100 like skybox stb

Added OpenWebIf

9)New System to detect and install Usb devices

10)Many fixes to Mount Disk manager

11)Added Temporary-Static Mount.

12)Added uuid use on fstab

13)Support autoresize for picons (100x60 e 130x80)

14)Airplay Server coming soo
Many thanks to Skaman (very
very hard
work),Daconi,UkillerBestia,ipbox2008,kat apip,morpheus883,raskino,dr.gogeta86,ger ryg,barrett,biondo79,cus2K,genge,tideglo
and all sifteam people that support us.

Special thanks to Dream Multimedia,Vuplus,Cteck,Xtrend,Opensat for supporting sifteam.

Enjoy it
Тип файла: zip sifteam-enigma2-koala-et5x00-20120304234038_usb.zip (49.61 Мб, 42 просмотров)
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